
Its Winter Time

Into The Mind



I'm thankful for the swell that aligned perfectly with thanksgiving.
Thankful that I could swim out and shoot some photos this morning,
then surf with my brother afterward.
Thankful for my friends and family that keep me inspired to stay in pursuit of living an amazing life.


What some photography clients act like in the real world.

“Oh, really, Company X will only charge you $99? Well then you should call Company X.” Prospect Answer: “But I didn’t really like Company X’s pictures online.” MY response: “Exactly. I really prefer the fresh mahi mahi at Brasserie Perrier to the filet o fish at McDonald’s, but I don’t call Brasserie Perrier and ask them to lower their prices because McDonald’s only charges $1.99.”

Thanks peta pixel


Samson & Delilah Band

Kevin Whan and Alexandra Govere from Samson & Delilah Band