
Cardiff 8/30/09

All sorts o steez..

Cardiff lady get'n stylish.

Christo. High FIVE!

Billy getn agro.

Pursuit for Adventure, I'll never stop.

(photo: Lightner)

Ahhh... this trip sounds awesome. The mission to mammoth is really enjoyable when you do it with the right people. I think this adventure was completed properly based on Kyles most recent post. Capturing the essence of the trip KL strikes again!


52nd 8/28/09 AM

52nd beauty.

Kooks make room for others.

Wedge 8/27/09 PM Sesh



PM Sesh was mixed up due to the short period swell..


The Search for Motivation

Recently I've been having a hard time motivating myself to shoot.Trying to make a step in the right direction I forced myself to go out in my trunks today to shoot some buddy's repn some prone action.Stoked i finally got back in the water. Damn I forgot how good it fuckn feels. MMMMmm


No Bad Days

Finally arriving in Hawaii brings mixed feelings. Relaxation and the anxiety of getting pounded by some serious waves.


Introducing VJM III

Friends are family.


Sean Sanders from The Perry Edwards. Listen.

Last Session, New life

The Lightner Evolution.

Every end has a new beginning. I foresee good things.

Smoke free inspiration!


Drink, write, smoke.


180° SOUTH

Lets watch this together...

Narrative: More time at Court :-)

The bailiff cooly announces the last names of the defendants that are anywhere but the right place at this moment. The new found comrades shortly to fight for justice ( I wish them luck) shuffle their tennis shoes and whisk their poorly kept hair to the side in nervousness. As I continue to observe the classic never changing justice system at work I can't help but be continually impressed by the characters that occupy its hallways. The court secretary approx. 65 is wearing a light blue dress that her mother wore before her. As she walks by she lowers her glasses to shoot a scowl at the junky bitch sitting on the floor on her cell phone. I am glad.

This place is eerily quiet, its somewhat disgusting. Not without noise, but without life. Half its occupants sit with their elbows on their thighs, heads towards the floor. The others speak of mindless things seemingly oblivious to their surroundings. All the meanwhile justice is being systematically dished out without so much as a blink of an eye. Except for the occasional wince to an unsuspecting defendant who can probably for the first time say without lying "this is the worst day of my life".

The longer I live I notice more and more coincidences. Perhaps I am more aware or maybe things are coming together, hopefully for the best.

The lady meeting the public attorney blew a .27 for her first dui, good luck alcy.

The Hispanic families clench their children with hope that they won't drag them down the same path as they.

Some men look to the heavens some men can not.

Some toss and turn in agony of what may come.

All the while justice is served, ice cold.

" A trial is not about truth, its about the appearance of the truth" -my public defender


Un Libro

Has anyone got their hands on this??


I like this.

photo: Rudy Jacques

Checked out Rudy Jacques new blog Avthentic thanks to Lightners avid blogging via GIG and hes got some rad stuff goin on. Wish I could read or speak more than one word of French but at least I've got the whole "picture = 1000 words" thing goin for me. Check it out Avthentic


Work 4 Svrf_


Full day shoot for a surfboard, down.


The Journey

Sometimes its not about how big the waves are, but the journey that takes you there. For every time you make the journey and the waves dont come, you become that much more of a dedicated surfer. Plus you get a little token for the lineup next time when the waves are big.


Totally tubular bro!


Pain for Pleasure

People don't like you coming here.


Road Trippn

Summer days

Not sure if i like this... I was really bored and needed something to do, editing old photos seemed like the best solution.

Good o'l SB

step one.

welcome to the jungle